Prioritize And You Will Accomplish More

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Prioritize??? What in heaven is that?

Yup! I know what you\’re thinking and NO,  it\’s not a fancy word. It comes from the word priority!

Many people know what it is, they apply it in their everyday lives and eventually achieve more than others.

But there are a number of people who, hands down, do not seem to understand what priority is, or even how to apply it correctly and the end result is, they always complain there is no time to this and that and at the end of the day never get to achieve what they had set out to do in the first place.

Are you in a similar boat? Then read on…

I used to be in this situation not too long ago myself and the idea of me chosing this as a topic for this weeks article is for me to share with you what I did and what tools I used to get this \”prioritizing habit\” kicked in.

Bear in mind, i used the word \”prioritizing habit\”…and yes! it will become a habit after you apply it everyday in your life…a good habit though…may it be for work or for your everyday homely life.

I\’d like to start by quoting a very beautiful and well written article by, titled, \”Make Your Passion A Priority At Work!\”.

From my observation, working in several different workplaces over the years, gave me a chance to learn and evaluate people\’s behavior at the workplace. What I discovered most of the time from employees who usually nagged about this and that and hardly got anything significant achieved is they lacked passion. Passion is important and most of the time we fail to prioritize our work when there is lack of passion in whatever we do.

Yeah! Not all jobs can be done passionately which is pretty self-understood but if one wants to achieve more from their work and job then I feel one must do things a little differently, a little passionately!

Let me share an example:-\"\"

A receptionist who works from 9-5 day-in-day-out, doing mundane tasks, carrying out almost the same tasks everyday, may get worn out or bored after a while but if the same receptionist were to take her job a little bit passionately, everything will start to shift!

First…she will be able to prioritize her work and secondly…she is going to be able to do a whole lot more than just answering phone calls or taking messages down.  Think about it! A passionate person will do almost everything passionately and will get more done eventually compared to a non-passionate one.

Useful Links & Resources

Here are several articles related to priority which I feel will be a great reference for you.

Next, check out the video below to understand why prioritizing is important…

Useful Related Videos

VIDEO-2: How To Stop Procastinating


If you want to achieve more, at work and in life in general, then write this down on your chest (with a RED marker pen! And pls don\’t use the permanent marker.),

Prioritize by putting in more passion in whatever you do and you\’ll see a significant difference in the results you get no matter what the task at hand maybe. You\’ll feel more joyful, happier and less stressed out…I promise!

Share with me your thoughts on this, whether if you agree or don\’t agree, or whatever is on your mind…

Passionately signing off,


Project Manager

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