Hard work; an engine to talents

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\”hard work beats talent when talent doesn\’t work hard\” – Kevin Durant

It’s another beautiful day and I chose to be a hard worker.

Halo good people. I once again would like to re-address a thought which I believe creates misunderstanding among individuals.

It’s about a talent and hardworking.

I used to consider talent as an exceptional, unbeatable or everlasting gift that one can never loose. But what I forgot to add and get a complete statement is “only if he or she keeps working hard on it”

Whenever I faced a situation that doesn\’t appeal so well to me I would say; “oh I don’t have knowledge or a talent for it. It is for those who can do it.” I was so wrong.

Never have I thought before that a person who works harder is more talented than the one with a talent. I know a talent is something that one is born with but it was incorrect when I actually thought it doesn\’t need any practice or hard work.

I watched Serena Williams won many times, Christian Ronaldo scored often and Oprah Winfrey grabbed the majority of world’s attention that not so many leaders get whenever they speak.

Have they succeeded because of their talents respectively? Yes or No could all be the answers but

 They have worked hard to redeem their talents should be the correct answer.

I came to the point that if these my thoughts are correct,

  • Then we are all talented
  • Our talents will last us if we all can work harder.

Hard work must be an engine to talents.

Khadija Amri.


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