ProLine 3.2 latest enhancements

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And again we are happy to announce that ProLine 3.2 is here and is now Windows 10 ready!


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  • Quick Jump menu – use Ctrl + J to activate or click on title
  • Ability to Move up/down for Deliverables in Proposal using Alt + Up / Down
  • Added Styles for Quotation, Invoices ( Richard, please create a blog post on this with screenshots )
  • Import now no longer need the TotalAmount column (TradeTransactions)
  • Ability to restrict selectable GL Codes by OG
  • Draggable Finder
  • Receipt Listing report – filter OG by Billing, Sys Settings -\”Use Billing OG in Reports\”
  • Ability to Find in Sys Settings (Ctrl + F / F3)
  • Allow to clear Stock Note number when using manual Stock Note numbering
  • Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
  • Improved Chart of Accounts Screens (combined Account Types, COA and Financial Report Structure)
  • Improved UI for File Attachments
  • Added Double Click on Old Doc No (In Orders) will open the old Order


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These are some of the latest enhancements has been made in ProLine 3.2.



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