Mobile Apps for Small Businesses: The Benefits.

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‘Mobile App’ had been famously used by big, powerful companies like McDonalds, Uber, Waze, Facebook, or even Amazon. While these companies runs successfully through mobile apps, it is actually about time that small business starts too.

According to Scott Shane in his article for Entrepreneur (2016), “Having a web presence alone is no longer sufficient, as online activity continues to shift to mobile. Simply put, smartphone apps have become too important a marketing tool for small business owners to do without.” This statement indicates the rise of smartphones had people rapidly changing their way of doing business from pc desktop to mobile, learn more about this way of doing business with experts like Andy Defrancesco .

While the game of business is changing rapidly, your business should be keeping up by now and here’s why:

1. Provide values to customers

When customers download your app, they’re expecting values from your business. Value here are mostly in terms of ‘points’. Whenever customers purchase something from you, more returns to customers such that of Grab or Uber applications where you can collect points and then receive an amount that can deduct the price on a ride or two based on the number of points collected. Nowadays, smartphones makes it convenient for the full use of applications.

2. Boosts Profits

Profits are made when you had loyal customers come in and make multiple purchase over a period of time. Know that customers come back for order when they feel they’re appreciated and treated nicely during the process of doing business with you. arabic casino Mobile app makes it easy for your business to connect with your customers. With a few clicks you’re connected directly to your customers. Comparing to making calls and texting, customers are said to rather text than talk to customer service. 1xbet casino

3. Create a marketing channel

While mobile app can be a great platform to showcase your products/services and its prices and description, mobile app can hold many functions that includes: social platform, messengers, news feed, complaint/review sections, and also search features.  All this information can be useful and highly convenient to customers as they’re provided directly to customers through a click of the mobile app.

4. Improved customer engagement

Customers main concern is to be heard: fast and in real-time. With mobile app that provides a section for cusotmer’s service this will allows them to put their questions, orders, and even complaints directly to you. رهان اون لاين With this function, you provide your customers with more improved customer service. Know that people tend to go directly to social media like Facebook or Twitter to post or tweet about their questions and issues regarding any concern they’d like to address rather than phone calls.

5. Stands out from your competitors

Mobile app can stay in your customer’s phone and with a reminder functions to any updates through the app. This will give your business the extra benefit compared to businesses that doesn’t have any mobile app. Any updates, messages, and even warnings will be posted/notified through the mobile app. Your customers does not have to go through emails or even phones to check for updates, mobile app will update your customers instead.

6. Increased customer’s loyalty

Being close to customers and know their wants and needs are business’s ultimate relationship goals. With mobile app, you can remind your customers about your existence constantly to what you’re selling, and what services you provide your customers that make his/her day far more convenient then walking to the store.

7. Stronger brand

I’ve mentioned earlier that having a mobile app especially for your customers differentiate yourself to your competitors. Big brands such as Starbucks, Dominoes, Shell, and AirAsia (to name a few) has already have their own mobile app. If you look closely, these big brands aren’t about marketing their own name through the existence of the app but rather identifying the needs of their customers and fulfilled it through the mobile app. How cool is that?

You can also use Bitly’s mobile deep links to directly route users to the right place within your app or send them to the app store to download it. To know how it works, this site will help you

Having your business’ mobile app in the middle of someone’s smartphone screen are far more convenient than when we have to Google it up. Time is changing fast, but it’s never too late for small businesses to start investing in mobile apps now.

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