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Not many businesses yet understand the power of automation perhaps because they are too comfortable doing things the old traditional ways or perhaps they are afraid to change and embark on new and exciting ways.

As one of the leading app and software automation solutions company, Datum breathes and lives ‘automation’ as much as it can in carrying out daily tasks everything from staff work tracking, email management to client invoicing and billing. العاب قمار حقيقي We aspire to automate as much as we can both for ourselves first, then for our clients.

Automation is the way to go and I just wanted to share with all our readers the awesome possibilities of what automation can really do for your business.

How IESLAB Implemented An Office Automation System?

A lot of units, both at home and abroad, deal with day-to-day operations and internal management of the office automation system and gradually move toward paperless office. The use of office automation system reduces 

The Design and Implementation of Office Automated System of


Another company that specializes in automation software, shares this…

Office automation software turns minor repetitive tasks from items that fill the day into tasks that are done successfully in the blink of an eye. Click the link below to read further.

Office Automation 101 | Simplifythis


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The right type of office automation products are essential for the smooth functioning of an office. Both productivity and efficiency are highly required in offices today. With a number of automated tools and equipments, it is 

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5 Things To Immediately Start Automating Your Business

Automate your lead -in or opt-in emails.

There are many softwares out there which can do this task pretty well. Aweber, GetResponse or even Infusionsoft are just some of the more reliable and affordable softwares that can get this task done. All that is required is some up front planning and some writing of email copy and once you get it plugged into the software, you can pretty much relax and let the software do its thing. This saves a lot of repeated work and notes on calendars to do email blasts at specific dates.

Automate the tracking of your customer support.

This one is second on my list just because we’ve had so much of a problem with it. In the past we were forwarding emails and putting post-it notes on the desks of other employees when a customer support issue needed to get done, but there was no way to follow up with that ticket. Now we use software to track these customer support tickets so we can effectively insure that all customer support tickets get closed out. الرهان الرياضي

Automate your client feedback requests.

We automate the request for feedback by sending an email to our clients regularly. Especially, after we have completed some major tasks for them. If they click on the link that says that they are happy with our services, then it goes to another page which says feedback or testimonial in exchange for a discount coupon or something. You can even give bigger incentive offers for those who take the time to give you video testimonials.

Automate your service reminders.

Do you have lots if clients that need Preventive Maintenance and have signed Preventive Maintenance Contracts with you? Then automating the schedules for the contract renewals and expiry MUST be automated and managed by a piece of software. We use Proline to manage these tasks both for ourselves and for oour clients. Imagine if you had hundreds or even thousands of contracts due to expire or to be renewed and you had to track each and everyone manually. The idea itself makes me sweat! 🙂

Automate your client birthday reminders.

From time to time, you want to send birthday greetings to your customers. Instead of relying upon manual checking every other day, we let the software do this job flawlessly. Imagine if  you had hundreds of customers and you didn’t use any automation tool to remind you of their birthdays,  how will you possibly remember to send out  the greetings? طريقة لعب البلاك جاك

These are just some of the automation we have in place. There could be more. If you have any other automation ideas you’d like to share with us, please feel free to comment at the bottom of this post.

Want to know how Datum can help automate your business? Call us now for a ‘Obligation-FREE discussion’ at 03-9281 9319

Cool Video

Check out this cool video. In time, humans will not be doing mundane tasks anymore. These will be carried out by little clever robots like NAO. Are you ready to get one?

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