A Gift of Being a Human

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It is exactly a month at Datum, and I am enjoying everything I do particularly writing. I wish I could have written hundreds of them by now, but it’s not too late.

Today I want to address to you about how great it is, to be a human.

When I was coming to work, I was with my fellow intern student. I saw a fish pond and wondered a bit.  The water was too dirty though I could see them through. They (about 3 to 5 Hypostomus plecostomus fishes) were all the way down eating. I could not see any food other than undefined dirty things.

“Boaz! I called my friend. Can you see the fishes, what type of fishes are they and what are they eating? I asked.

“Yeah, they are normal fish but unlucky one he he. They are eating algae” replied my friend.

I started my conversation from there,

Me: Then we must be so lucky to be humans. Imagine if we are fish now we would be eating dirty things.

Boaz: ha-ha not real… Not all fish eat algae, some fishes like the ones in aquarium eat expensive food.

Me: I know but I think it’s sad to be an animal (remember fish also belongs to mammals under reptile class).

Boaz: You are right. Because their ending is very painful. They are eaten by other animals. Most are slaughtered, they can’t decide on their lives. Some like Eagle dies at a very painful death. It has to fly to the highest height face the sun and until they die.

Me: O.M. G…. that’s real sad. We should real be grateful to be human beings.

After the conversation I kept thinking of animals’ lives and promised to share with you. The first thing to do when I arrived in the office is to research on how eagles die because that real captured my interest.

From www.freewebs.com/denniscoleman/When%20Eagles%20Die.doc‎, I found this article which was quite similar to what my friend said about eagle.

“They go to the edge of a cliff. They place themselves right at the rim of the precipice. They find a place where they can do this by facing directly into the sun. They place themselves in this exact situation and they dig their claws in. They stay there, facing into the sunlight, until they die, at which time they tumble down the cliff. If I have created for you the image that I have, this is an amazingly dignified act. I love the fact that they face the sun. The light rather than the darkness. They face it in the way of their own choosing”

It is such a gift to be Human.
Khadija Amri.

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