How To Get Your Products To Sell FAST !?

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By: Darcy Juarez

Today I’m going to answer one of the most asked questions I get…

“How do I get my products selling fast?”

My answer: Put up landing pages and create sales funnels. Although only eight words long, this answer is sometimes a barrier for people.

Technology stops them or they aren’t sure how I do it. So the real question that people want answered is…

“How do I create marketing funnels and landing pages?”

Not only will I tell you the tool I use to create these, I’m going to give you five tips on what you need to do when you create your sales funnels and pages.

[av_toggle_container initial=\’0\’ mode=\’toggle\’ sort=\’\’]
[av_toggle title=\’1. Connect to your audience instantly\’ tags=\’\’]

You only have a few seconds to connect with your online audience when they visit your web page. Remember that when a prospect lands on your page you want them to immediately know:

They are in the right place.
You have what they need.
It will be easy and fast to get the answers they desire.
Compelling copy with a clean, attractive design which clearly communicates this will help you connect immediately.


[av_toggle title=\’2. Capture your audience\’ tags=\’\’]

Include a device to capture prospect’s information such as their name and email address, Free teleseminars, webinars and reports are all ways we use to attract prospects and build our list.


[av_toggle title=\’3. Make your site mobile friendly\’ tags=\’\’]

More and more people are using mobile devices to access the Internet. In fact, I recently read that on average 85% of people use their mobile devices to access the web every day. It’s the first thing many reach for in the morning and the last thing they put down at night. Having a mobile-friendly website is no longer an option if you want to sell your products and services online.


[av_toggle title=\’4. Establish authority and credibility\’ tags=\’\’]

When people land on your page, they need to know they can trust you. Two fast and easy ways to do this are to include testimonials from raving fans and logos of trusted authorities you are associated with.


[av_toggle title=\’5. Convert your audience into paying customers\’ tags=\’\’]

After you get a killer landing page up that is converting well, you’ll want to put a marketing funnel in place to drive people to your landing page to convert more prospects into paying customers. Including a series of follow up messages such as email ’autoresponders’ or follow up direct mail pieces can double, triple and quadruple your sales, so this is an element you definitely want to put in place.



We have a number of sales funnels we use depending on what we are selling.

For example, if I am simply trying to capture leads for my business, I’ll want to filter out prospects who are only looking for free information from the people who are willing to spend money. In this case, I’ll use a funnel that has a low entry point to filter out my hyper-buyers from those who are only interested in free stuff.

But if I want to sell a high-priced program such as coaching then I’ll use a funnel that is designed to pre-qualify people. This helps to zero in on those who are truly qualified which allows me to spend money on buyers and eliminate wasting money on those who won’t or can’t afford to buy.

If I have a free offer, then I use a funnel that will turn those who request the information into new members and so on.

Use tool that will save you time and effort…

“Slow = slow death.” Getting your products and services to market FAST is important. When you have a product or idea, you must be able to move quickly and be ready to grow fast. Otherwise you risk losing your customers or having a competitor beat you to the market.

Because technology and waiting for someone to code a page can be a big game-stopper not to mention a big time-suck. To use a tool to create a page, I don’t have to know how to code or graphically lay out a page.  With the right tool, all I have to do is point and click to drop the elements I want where I want them or use a done for you template and drop in my copy.

So to sell your products fast, connect with your audience immediately, capture their information, and convert them into paying customers by putting the right marketing funnel in place. Then if you need top-quality chilled boxes for your shipping then have a look at those as we have just started using them and they are amazing. Remember, the faster you move, the faster you’ll be collecting money. Plus, these days, customers want and expect immediacy. The more you can deliver this, the stronger your relationship will be with your list.

NOTE: Unfortunately technology holds a lot of people back from selling product and services fast.

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